Guitar/Ukulele FAQ

Dear Parents,

Students enrolled in the M.U.S.E. Program are taught the basics of playing Guitar and Ukulele in a group setting.  Classes are designed to be fun and encouraging. There is no prior experience necessary. This is not offered at each school so please check the School Page under your school.

Students will build knowledge of chords, rhythm, tablature, melody, songwriting and how to jam! We will tap into their authentic expression by providing opportunities to be creative and let their uniqueness shine.  Classes are held once a week for 50-60 minutes. We recommend Ukulele for the younger students grades 2-3 and Guitar for the older students grades 4-5-6 however, Ukulele is also great for the upper grades as well. Each school has different grade offerings so see below what is offered at each school. 

A: Go to our “School Page” Link to find out which programs are listed.

A: Yes. No experience needed.  All the other students in the beginning class have never played their instrument of choice.

A: Go to our “School Page” link under the region and name of your school.

A: Schedule will be on the “School Page” Select your school for start up date, day of classes, and times.

A: Your teachers name and email address will be listed under your school on the School Page of our website.

A:  At school. Check with the school office for location of the class.

A: Students should bring their instrument.

A: No.  This is separate. We have suggestions on where to get inexpensive guitars and Ukuleles on our website.

A:  Yes. However, you should bring to class to have the teacher look it over to make sure it is in proper working order.

A: There information on our Instrument page.

 For Ukulele: Students need to have an instrument for home practice and class. Ukuleles range in price but for about $60-$80 you can get a  Ukulele that will do just fine.

For Guitar: Alert:  Do not buy those cute guitars from Target or Walmart.  They are more like toy guitars even though they are advertised as real guitars.

New guitar versus used:  We recommend buying a used guitar for beginners if possible or you can find some new Yamahas that you can purchase for under $200.  Once they show their dedication to practicing and progressing, it is great incentive to buy a new guitar.

A: see our “schools page” and select your school.

A: Many schools have an aftercare program. If the cost prohibits you, talk to the instructor. Each school has different arrangements. Some teachers will allow a small group of students to stay in band room and quietly do their homework.

A:  The instructors email will be on the School Page of our website. Teachers will also be touching base with you early on by email.

A: No. This is included in the materials fee. Instructors start using the books by the 2nd or 3rd week.

A: The first day of beginning band is an “Open House” where parents can come and meet the instructor and ask questions. We understand that not all parents can make it.  If you have questions for the instructor, please email him or her. Students who have instruments that day will also be shown how to put together their instrument.  Those who don’t have an instrument on the first day can observe.

A: We recommend that you talk with your child to make sure they understand the commitment involved. We highly recommend that students make a commitment for the full 4 month session (there are two session per year). It takes time to learn an instrument. Students will experience times when their lessons may be difficult. They need to practice and work through those times. 

These classes are offered twice a year: October-January (Session one) and February-May (Session two).   Students have to decide by the 2nd class if it is going to work.

A: It is really important to get their child to practice at home. Each child is different. Some will create their own time to practice.  Others need parent encouragement. If they don’t practice at home, they will likely fail and have a bad experience.

A: 3-4 days a week for 15-20 minutes a day minimum. Small amounts of concentrated practice are better than longer periods of unfocused practice time. This is very reasonable knowing how busy students lives are with extra curricular activities. Students need to come to class prepared.

A: Teachers take a lot of time in class showing students “How to Practice”. We teach them to recognize where they need to spend their time practicing. There is also a practice journal in their book where they write down their assignment and keep track of practicing.

A: Yes!!  We have our annual winter and spring concert in each region as well as other fun events. These events will be listed on our Events Page.

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