Welcome to the Flute Club!
This page is dedicated to all of our M.U.S.E. Flute players with fun information regarding your instrument. Come back and visit this page anytime. It will always be changing with new information and notices about upcoming workshops.
Here is a list of some common questions with answers and Youtube Help links below.
Here is a website that has lots of good videos to select (choose First Sound). Video Link
Here is a link to a M.U.S.E. student demonstrating how to play the flute. Link
Here is a link to a short 2:00 minute video on how to clean your flute. Link
Here is a video on how to identify a leaky flute that needs repair. Link
For the Help Videos below here are the topics:
Videos 1-3
How to Blow properly and getting the best sound using your mouthpiece
Videos 4
How to use the fingering chart and know where to place your fingers.
Videos 5-9
How to play your first 3 notes
Videos 10-11
How to play your next 2 notes (Eb and F)