M.U.S.E. annual Winter Band Concert
This will be the M.U.S.E 34th annual Winter Band Concert. Our Winter and Spring concerts combine students from all the schools in the Portland area to perform as one large ensemble. It is a great opportunity for the students to meet and perform with students from other schools. It is also a unique opportunity to perform with a large ensemble that can range from 60-100 students! There are 2 concerts on this day: Beginning Band and Intermediate/Advanced Band. Both concerts will also feature the M.U.S.E. Honor Band and the Central Catholic High Jazz Band. The concert will be in the gym at Central Catholic High
1:00-1:40pm Beginning Band Concert
2:30-3:30pm Intermediate/Advanced Band Concert
Please arrive 30 minutes prior to concert
Bring a Music Stand and all music
Dress is nice/casual